Jonas Brothers MK
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Jonas Brothers MK

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 Kevin Jonas-JB

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Број на мислења : 107
Join date : 2009-06-12

Kevin Jonas-JB Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Kevin Jonas-JB   Kevin Jonas-JB EmptyПет Јун 12, 2009 3:35 pm

Kevin Jonas

Paul Kevin Jonas II (born November 5, 1987), also known as Kevin Jonas and K2, is an American musician and actor. He is a member of the Jonas Brothers, a pop rock band he created with his younger brothers Joe and Nick. The Jonas Brothers
originally started with a solo singing career for Nick, but when Joe
and Kevin sang backup for him, the record producer liked their sound
and signed all three of them.

Kevin Jonas-JB 220px-Kevin_Jonas

Birth nameBornOriginGenre(s)Instrument(s)Years activeLabel(s)
Paul Kevin Jonas II
November 5, 1987 (1987-11-05) (age 21)
Teaneck, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Wyckoff, New Jersey, U.S.A..
Pop rock, teen pop
Vocals, guitar, mandolin
1999 — present
Hollywood, Columbia
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Број на мислења : 50
Join date : 2009-06-12

Kevin Jonas-JB Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Kevin Jonas-JB   Kevin Jonas-JB EmptyПет Јун 12, 2009 10:13 pm

Date of Birth

5 November 1987, Teaneck, New Jersey, USA

Birth Name

Paul Kevin Jonas II




5' 9" (1.75 m)

Mini Biography

Paul Kevin Jonas II (widely known as Kevin), was born on November 5th, 1987 in New Jersey to Denise and Paul Kevin Jonas Sr. He is the oldest of three younger brothers. He is part Italian, Irish, German and Cherokee Indian. Kevin is known for being in the band titled "Jonas Brothers", which also includes two of his three younger brothers, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas.IMDb Mini Biography By: Ashley

Trade Mark

Curly hair

His favorite sport is pole vaulting.
3 Brothers, Joe, Nick, and Frankie, eldest of these children.
Brothers include Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, and Frankie Jonas.
His favorite school subjects were Latin and history.
Favorite game is monopoly.
His favorite holiday is Christmas.
His favorite actor is James Dean.
His favorite singer is John Mayer.
His favorite actresses are Rachel Mcadams and Hayden Panettiere.
His favorite hobby is bowling.
A devoted Evangelist Christian, just like the rest of his family, and just like Joe and Nick, wears a purity ring. He's been wearing it since he was sixteen.
Personal Quotes

I don't think I'd ever reject anyone...
Where Are They Now

(February 2008) On the "When You Look Me in The Eyes" tour with his brothers
(April 2008) On tour with Avril Lavigne in Europe
(July 2008) On The Jonas Brothers' Burnin' Up Tour
(October 2008) In Paris promoting the Burning Up album
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Број на мислења : 50
Join date : 2009-06-12

Kevin Jonas-JB Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Kevin Jonas-JB   Kevin Jonas-JB EmptyСаб Јун 13, 2009 12:00 pm

Kevin ima interesna biografijaxDxD
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Број на мислења : 23
Join date : 2009-06-18

Kevin Jonas-JB Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Kevin Jonas-JB   Kevin Jonas-JB EmptyПет Јун 19, 2009 4:17 pm

Full Name: Paul Kevin Jonas II

Date of Birth: November 5th, 1987

Place of Birth: Teaneck, New Jersey

Height: 5'9"

Star Sign: Scorpio

Chinese Horoscope Sign: Rabbit

Parents: Kevin (Sr.) and Denise Jonas

Siblings: Joe, Nick, and Frankie Jonas

Hobbies: Playing guitar and bowling

Instruments: Guitar

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road

Favorite Sport: Pole Vaulting
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Kevin Jonas-JB
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